Life and Death Matters

I'm good at trivia, listen to progressive rock, drink Gin & Tonics, and read philosophy when nature calls. Curiously enough, I'm also single.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


This is truly the last time I shall comment on Israel, promise.
* * *
I've truly tired of this country, as I'm sure many others have. As far as I'm concerned, if there is a single nation on earth truly capable of starting World War III out of sheer truculence and a piss-poor attitude, it is the Jewish state. It is amazing how not only Israeli leaders but Israeli citizens (and untold millions of supporters around the world), too, cannot conceive of said country doing harm to anyone. It doesn't matter that we now begin seeing, especially through the work of what are called The New (Israeli) Historians, that the state in question was founded upon planned ethnic cleansing. And it doesn't matter when a UN panel -or any other panel, for that matter- headed by a respected Jewish jurist finds Israeli leaders to have acted like war criminals: fuck it!, Israel can do whatever it wishes, and always hide behind the "we're defending ourselves" bullshit they've been uttering since 1948. And I say it's bullshit because, if it were true, the Jewish state would at least make an effort, which it never has, to not provoke or, worst, not start every war it's ever been involved in.
It is fast becoming an academic question whether or not those who founded and, since '48, ran Israel sought to ethnically cleanse the land, or to make a Palestinian state inviable. For even if we don't see a purely Jewish state (which, let's face it, is not an ethnic question, since Judaism is a religion, not a race or ethnicity), Palestinian statehood and Palestinian dignity are now (and have arguably been for a long time) an impossibility. Even if the US and, to a lesser extent, Western Europe, were to withdraw their financial and military support; and even if Arab (and Iranian) leaders were to somehow magically become even merely competent, Palestine and Palestinians are fucked (and it would be wise to mention the share of blame one can lay at Palestians' doorstep for their current state of affairs, since the leaders they have followed, whether optionally or not, either consisted of Nazi sympathizers, gangsters, religious fanatics, or those who were/are simply too bewildered to a decent job).
Eventually, most Arab states will be bribed into peace with Israel, very much like what happened with Egypt and Jordan. It won't, of course, be a real peace; the peace that Egypt and Jordan have with the Jewish state will only exist as long as these Arab states are ruled with an iron fist. But it will be enough for the Western world to congratulate itself endlessly and for Israelis to fool themselves into believing that they were indeed always looking for peace, and that it was those goddamn fucking sand niggers that continuously kept postponing the dream.
Like I said, whatever; I'm gonna go write about Michael Bolton or something, it'll be much more productive than commenting on a fixed game with inevitable results. So fuck Israel and the US for it's blind, unwavering support, fuck the Arab world for being so incredibly incompetent and inert, and a symbolic candle to Palestinians, who are fucked beyond return.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Aw!, Fuck!, I Missed It!

I missed my blog's one-year anniversary; then again, who cares? But indeed, I've been writing for more than a year now, and the world is not better off for it: I've deviated from this blog's original mission (making fun of my country and related subjects), my writing has grown ever more contrived and recherché, and I've started absolutely no debate whatsoever: the dearth of comments and replies for my posts is terrifying.

But I shall keep trying, dear readers, for my opinion continues to be completely indispensable to me. So, to the few fans I have:
  1. Keep on reading, people, I love you all dearly;
  2. Write some fucking comments once in a while; and
  3. Rate my posts, that's why I've made available a rating system in the first place!!!!!
So World, I'm still here (and you're still there, apparently). Cheerio.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

GTA VI: Mario's World

The music below would probably be part of the soundtrack for the sixth version of Grand Theft Auto, where Mario, a crazy Italo-American plumber turned sociopath, decides to take on the Camorra in Naples. It will feature Mario as the main character; Luigi as the crazy brother who does the accounting and kills people by plumbing their brains or some shit; that Princess (I forget her name) as Mario's main babe (actually, she'll be a hooker-cum-girlfriend, pimped out by that mushroom guy, who'll eventually be killed by Mario in, like, the tenth mission of the game); and Bowser as head of the Camorra. Nintendo might throw in Space Fox as the DA, or maybe even the mayor.

Obs.: Nintendo, I do expect payment for this idea; 5% of gross sales should suffice.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Songs I Loathe, pt. 1

And loathe, my friends, is exactly the right word, for the songs that shall be featured in my Diary's new series are compositions I goddamn fucking hate (detest, I'm afraid, is too light a word to describe my feelings towards the music contained herein).

And the first song, which came to mind almost immediately, is Believe, by the ever so musically untalented (and living?) Cher. As with most songs in this soon-to-be-hugely-popular series, my reasons for such ill will must remain, at best, unconvincing: it's all completely subjective, I still love Marina Lima, and -let's be honest- who says I actually know what I'm talking about?

But Believe just kills me: very weak lyrics, that annoying pitch shift effect for her voice, her tone, it's all just awful. Worst, it's one of those songs that, like those of Matchbox 20, are so impeccably well-written that they become duller than Bob Dole on qualudes.

And then there's that other paradigm of mediocrity, Ebony and Ivory, with Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney. The song reminds me of the Wiemar Republic: it looks really good on paper, it fills our hearts with high hopes, and then comes crashing down on us by simply sucking so very, very much. I mean, just copy/pasting the video's code already has my brain scrambling for shelter.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Clips que Marcam

O mundo certamente espera, ansioso, sem mais unhas para roer!, qualquer opinião minha sobre o que se desenrola em Gaza, Obama e tantos outros assuntos.  Como os israelenses e o Hamas ainda não terminaram de ser cretinos, e como o BHO só tomou posse há uma semana, falarei, então, para delírio geral dos meus três/cinco/não-mais-que-dez leitores(as), sobre música.  Mais precisamente, sobre música da qual eu gosto, já que sou, como bem sabem meus ávidos fãs, o centro de toda Existência.
Outro dia, por razão x, lembrei-me do Suede e seu primeiro hit single, Animal Nitrate.  Devia ter uns doze... é, doze anos, quando saiu o primeiro disco deles, e o clip da já mencionada canção me deixou atônito, meio perplexo.  Era foda: o Brett Anderson dando uns tapas num porco, dois homens se pegando (coisa que não existia na TV brasileira, se é que existe agora), uma música muito pegajosa e, como vim a descobrir depois, uma letra safada.
Bem, ao clip:
Fala sério, né, puta música.
Aliás, este clip é prova de que, se a canção/obra for boa, o clip, se bem feito, pode ser uma extensão muito interessante da música, como é o caso de Animal Nitrate ou, por exemplo, Jeremy, do Pearl Jam e Digging in the Dirt, do Peter Gabriel.
Percebo também que faz tempo que não vejo um clip tão (para mim) pertubador, apesar de ter aquele da Björk com os robôs se pegando.  Mas, verdade seja dita, não tenho mais doze anos de idade, e sou pervertido demais para me impressionar com essas coisas, além de não haver muito mais shock value para clips que não queiram envolver violência real, sexo explícito ou scripts do Charlie Kauffman.  É, também, uma grande pena que, para a vasta maioria dos artistas que tem (ou recebem) grana para fazer videoclips (estes podem vir a custar $500 mil dólares, se não tiver alguém de olho no orçamento), a decisão seja a de fazer clips com gente nos mostrando o quão ricos são (o hip-hop está cheio disso) ou o quão miserável e triste é sua existência (bandas emo ou tipo o 3 Doors Down), quando certamente há criatividade de sobra mundo a fora para que esse meio de expressão continue a ser inovador e impressionante.
Tendo isso em vista, deixo o(a) leitor(a) com mais um vídeo legalzão, que tem haver com a música, e não é seu suporte, mas sim uma extensão dela.

A Random Post for your Random Pleasure : News and Reports

Sure, go ahead, ask the 8 Ball if you're gay