Life and Death Matters

I'm good at trivia, listen to progressive rock, drink Gin & Tonics, and read philosophy when nature calls. Curiously enough, I'm also single.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Tuesday

It's now 17:31 here in Brazil. Which means Larry King will soon begin his masturbatory session on CNN as he and his team of "analysts" spend hours and hours predicting who'll win the Democratic primaries. Millions'll watch. Fox News will pretend not to care. MSNBC will pretend they're actually competition. Jon Stewart will make fun of the whole thing. I'll miss it.

Super Tuesday. I bet even folks at think today's ballot casting is meaningful. I bet even third-party activists think there's a choice to be made. I'll bet even the most cynical have stopped comparing Super Tuesday to the Super Bowl (you know, commercial breaks that cost millions, yada yada yada).

That's cute. It must be feeling good right now, them butterflies, the cheering, maybe some are comparing it to The First Time. Maybe the more informed are making comparisons to moments like Luis Inácio Lula da Silva's election. That's adorable, probably makes people think the US has a functioning democracy. Here, let me pinch your cheeks you cute little thing you...

But then again, you all know it don't mean shit. You all know our buddy Barack and our Sista Hillary work for the same people that crazy nutjob McCain works for. You know, donors and such. Did you donate money to their campaign? No? Hmm, guess you're shit outta luck, then.

But more than that, maybe their message really touched your heart, a message I'll bet my left testicle you can't even repeat, unless you look it up or Ctrl+C Ctrl+V that shit. The two candidates from the Democratic party with actual messages, whether you agreed with the messages or not, are gone or never had a chance. Ending poverty? Pfffft. Make the US a non-belicose state? Pffffft.

No, fuck that. Better to go for PR campaigns. After all, that's what American democracy has been about since the Cold War. The fact that Obama '08 folks actually believe Barack Obama was ALWAYS against the war should have George Orwell smiling right now. And to know that so many wish to turn a blind eye to the fact that Hillary Clinton is a crazy belicose "let's bomb the Persians NOW" bitch who is so corrupt she would fit right in in Brazil and vote for her because she's a woman and "stood by her man"... it all boggles the mind.

It'll make absolutely no difference if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama make it to the White House (after George Bush's presidency, it's doubtful John McCain can win). Hillary and Barack belong to a tainted party, one that is just as corrupt, just as sold out, as the Republicans. Both candidates have spent millions upon millions of dollars saying nothing for the better part of four years (remember Obama at the Democratic Convention that chose John Kerry?), tricking people with well-made speeches and carefully placed editorials by Joe Klein. People should know better by now, especially those who follow politics, who know American history, and who are fully aware that marketing is a derivative of propaganda.

Lexington or Charlemagne, one of the three editorial pages in the Economist (I forget which one exactly), commented, about a year after the onset of the Second Iraq War, that, had Al Gore made it to the White House, he'd have made the exact same decisions after 9/11 that G.Bush made. I wholeheartedly agree.


  1. I hate to put a damper on your cynicism, but:

    1) McCain has a very, very good chance of beating Hillary Clinton. Not so much Obama.

    2) You are gravely misinformed about Obama. He *has* always been against the war. He was not a Senator when the initial war resolution was voted on back in 2003, which I agree is convenient. But if you you check up on his voting record since, it is solidly against the war. I don't know where you're getting that he was ever for the war. Hillary, however, has flip-flopped.

    3) Yes, his party is broken, but he is not a party man. I unabashedly admire him.

  2. 4) Also, to dabble in Historical what-ifs is hardly ever productive; but I would be hard-pressed to be convinced that Al Gore would have put up a perfunctory force in Afghanistan and instead have invaded Iraq. That is bullshit.


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