Life and Death Matters

I'm good at trivia, listen to progressive rock, drink Gin & Tonics, and read philosophy when nature calls. Curiously enough, I'm also single.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Mini-Trip to the Holy Land

As stated in a previous post, I've been termed self-loathing because, amongst other reasons, I:
  1. Don't consider myself Jewish, and
  2. Don't like Israel. At all.
As for item 1, it is explained, to a certain degree, in the post I mentioned ("On Jews and Being Jewish"). As for item 2, well, the evidence just seems to mount, year after year, as to why Israel is not the victim it always claims to be. One example amongst many -and the many can be found in the link to the If Americans Knew website I've put on my blog- is this one, where the Israelis are planning a renewal of Jaffa by simply expelling its Palestinian residents.

A few years back, if someone told me that I was a self-hating Jew for doubting Israel, I would've been a bit shaken. However, as I keep reading about the state of Israel, I become surer by the day that if not supporting what said state does means I hate myself, then so be it.


  1. I don't know if you'd be called self-loathing solely for disliking Israel, but you do seem to single it out for criticism more than any other place. There are plenty of countries who are doing things that are just as bad if not worse.

    Then again, you know this, and I know you just like to rail on Israel to get the goats of old Jewish men in your family and in SP.

  2. Also, come on. The Monthly Review? Not exactly a prestigious publication.


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